Respect Life Ministry

They will know we are Christians by our Love

Our mission is to raise awareness of pro-life issues among our parish community, to support all Life both prayerfully and materially according to our means, and to build a positive relationship and open dialogue with others on the sacredness of Life. 

We respect all life from conception to natural death.

Please consider your time and talents to help Life 

​​​​​​​Diocesan Plan -- Pro-Life Activites has four major areas:

  • Education & Formation
  • Pastoral Care
  • Prayer & Worship
  • Advocacy

Visit the Diocese of Sacramento here  :  LEARN MORE





based on the true story 

of a saint and American hero

the Italian immigrant, Francesca Cabrini

check out your local theater

God brings Hope to Darkness !!



Gabriel Project

Parish program to help pregnant women in crisis. Please call (800-910-0191) for more information 

Rachel's Vineyard 

Post Abortion Healing: Please call (916) 733-0161 for more information and for more upcoming events