Gabriel Project

Our monthly business meetings are held
3rd Sunday of each month
( Normally held in the parish hall around 9AM )
Please contact :
Pregnant? Worried? Need Help?
Call (800) 910-0191
The St. John Vianney Gabriel Project,
inspired by the Word and example of Jesus Christ,
offers immediate and practical assistance
to pregnant women and their families.
Samantha Clark, Coordinator:
NEWS - 2025
Go to this website (CLICK HERE)
More about us...
Please watch this video below on The Gabriel Project.
Do you have a heart for moms and babies?
Gabriel Project could use your support, by your presence and your prayers.
Click the Green link below
and get more information on other LIFE activities
For help finding resources in Sacramento County, please call 2-1-1 on your phone.
SJV Gabriel Project - Listed Resources
SJV Gabriel Project - Angel's Handbook 2023
SJV Gabriel Project - Angel's Forms