Respect Life Ministry

They will know we are Christians by our Love

Our mission is to raise awareness of pro-life issues among our parish community, to support all Life both prayerfully and materially according to our means, and to build a positive relationship and open dialogue with others on the sacredness of Life. 

We respect all life from conception to natural death.

Please consider your time and talents to help Life 

​​​​​​​Diocesan Plan -- Pro-Life Activites has four major areas:

  • Education & Formation
  • Pastoral Care
  • Prayer & Worship
  • Advocacy

Visit the Diocese of Sacramento here  :  LEARN MORE



Gabriel Project

Parish program to help pregnant women in crisis. Please call (800-910-0191)   

Rachel's Vineyard 

Post Abortion Healing: Please call (916) 733-0161